TLC Discipline Policy

The following shall be the discipline policy of Tender Loving Care:

1. We believe that the purpose of all children attending Tender Loving Care is to further their successful ongoing development.

2. We define “discipline” as a tool to be used to enable the children to work with our staff in order to perform effectively in a child development setting.

3. We assign all personnel the responsibility of assuring equal treatment for all children.

4. We will communicate and request parental help in resolving behavior problems.

5. We will never use any form of corporal punishment.

We shall adopt the following procedures in order to resolve all behavior problems:

1. Warning – staff will make a quiet warning or warnings to the child and/or children involved

2. Redirection – staff will attempt to redirect the child to a new activity

3. Quiet Time – This will allow most children the opportunity to calm down so that he or she may rejoin the group.

4. Office Time – If a quiet warning, redirection and quiet time is not enough to allow a child to cooperate and rejoin the group, the child may be sent to the office to see the director. The director or designee will work with the child to resolve the problem. Sometimes the child will need to sit calmly to achieve the effect.

5. Parent/Guardian Call – The director or designee will call a parent or guardian on the phone to explain the situation. The parent or guardian may assume that warnings, redirection, quiet time and office time has not worked in order to modify the inappropriate behavior. In other words, all else has failed. The parent should attempt to urge the child to work with the staff to resolve the issue.

6. Exclusion – If all else fails, the parent or guardian must pick up the child. If the child is unable to be picked up by the parent or guardian, the child will not be allowed to attend the next day scheduled. Depending on the severity of behavior – further suspension is possible. A meeting with the Director and persons responsible for the child may be required in order to continue attendance.

The following behaviors may necessitate immediate exclusion without steps 1-5 being followed:

1. Consistent non-compliance with the instructors or other staff members.

2. Aggression toward other children or staff.

3. Verbal abuse toward other children or staff.

4. Running or walking away from the teacher and/or classmates.

5. Vandalism.

6. Bringing an inappropriate or unsafe item to the center.